Friday, November 5, 2010

One Last Post

I have talked about how the money that is spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could be spent on other things, but I have not gone greatly in depth with this. Therefore, I am going to talk about that in this; my last post. I think that a large portion of the money spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should be used on education once the wars are over. I think that more public schools could be built, or more teachers could be hired to decrease the large class sizes. Or more money used on technology in the classrooms to help students learn in different ways, and so they could be better prepared after they graduate. I think this is a good idea because not only would it help improve education, it would also improve the economy, because it will provide more jobs. I also think that some of the money spent on war could be used on healthcare. Healthcare is a very important aspect of our society, and now that healthcare is universal, it could become more expensive. Therefore, if less money was spent on war, then more money could be used on healthcare. Which would improve the lives of Americans. I also think that the money could be used on developing alternative energy. This would improve the economy by creating more jobs. It would also help the environment because green energy is better for the environment than using fossil fuels. The money that is spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could be used on a variety of things that could help the nation.

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