Friday, November 5, 2010


The war in Afghanistan started in 2001 and the war in Iraq has been going on since 2003, and as of now there is no end in sight. The costs of the wars have been expensive and numerous. The costs range from money and resources, to deaths of troops and civilians. The wars have also been a factor in the downturn of the economy. The wars started to fight terrorism in the Middle East and the war in Iraq started mainly because of threats of weapons of mass destruction. And now, here we are years later with no real progress and billions, maybe even trillions of dollars spent on the conflicts in the Iraq and Afghanistan. Now, I understand why we went to war and that some people want to continue fighting so that we can continue to fight terrorism. But, we can never completely win this war and I think that we have spent enough time and resources on these conflicts. I am not saying that the troops should come home right this second, because I think that we have made some progress and chaos may ensue if we leave abruptly. However, I think a plausible exit strategy needs to be put in place, and followed through with. We have spent so much money on the wars, and especially considering the current economy, I think the money spent on the wars would be better spent on other things. The money could be spent on improving schools, hiring more teachers, and/or creating more jobs in America to help the economy.

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