Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Self Analysis Post

When I started this blog I did not know much about this issue; I only knew the basic facts. I had some information on the topic just from watching the news; which mostly included The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. However, I was intrigued by this topic because I knew that I did not know as much about the topic as I should and it is an interesting issue. Before I started this blog I thought that too much money has been and is being spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and that the money could be spent on things to improve the country. However, as I started researching, my topic became more about the debate about how much the war is actually costing, and if we should continue to fight in the Middle East or not. As I have been researching for this topic I have also researched more about the other side. I started off thinking that it was a pretty obvious issue, that too much money is spent on war and not on trying to improve the country and economy. However, I began to realize that this is more than just money but it is also about making sure that we continue supporting our troops regardless of how we feel about government decisions. It is also about the different sides, and why some people want to continue to fight in the wars, and why others want to withdraw from the Middle East. And, while I have tried to remain unbiased by discussing both sides of the issue, I still agree with my original stance on the issue. I also learned a lot about this issue when I was working on my analysis post, because I had to discuss how the wars started and this helped me to understand how people on both sides of the issue feel and understand why they think that we should or should not continue fighting. Overall, I think that I learned so much about this issue and that I have explained both sides of the issue and my opinions well.

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