Friday, October 22, 2010

Implications Post

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have been going on for years and the only way to end the wars is to decide on when we should bring the troops home. However, if the government cannot agree on when to withdraw the troops, the wars will continue indefinitely. If the wars do not end, or if they do not end for a long time, then we will spend a ridiculous amount of money on war, when we could be using it to improve our country and economy. Our economy has already been negatively affected because it is estimated that hundreds of billions to one, two, or three trillion dollars has been spent on the war, which has added a large amount to the national debt. Therefore, if we can spend this much money after a few years of war, then can you imagine how much money we will spend and how far into debt we will go if we continue fighting these wars for another two, three, or ten years. And, this may not be imaginable, at this rate there is no real progress to ending the war. President Obama has been pushing back the deadline to start withdrawing troops, and at this point there is no end to the war in sight. And, not only will the economy suffer if we continue to spend so much money on war but, it will also affect other government programs. If more and more money is spent on war, then there will be less money available for education and healthcare. Another implication is that people may also be more apprehensive about getting involved in other foreign affairs in the future, which could be beneficial or detrimental depending on the situation. 


  1. Yes, the economy will be greatly affected by the war, but in addition, Americans might not continue to support our troops overseas. Since we are not sure why we are still in Afghanistan and Iraq, no matter what we still need to continue supporting our troops. Since people might not necessarily agree with the government's decision to stay in the Middle East, many will not enlist in the military and will chose not to understand the United States' other foreign affairs.

  2. You have a point about people not agree with continuing to fight in the Middle East, and they may not try to understand foreign affairs. But, I think people will still continue to support our troops. Because even if people to not agree with the decisions that the government makes, people still appreciate the job the troops do. Furthermore, I think the wars may deter some people from joining the military, but we have one of the biggest militaries in the world. So, even if the number of people joining decreases it won't be significant enough to make a big difference.

  3. I agree. The military still needs support at this time. They are risking their lives fighting for what the government believes is right. I believe there was and still is a reason that America is fighting overseas. Though many people sitll may not know the reason, we need to continue to support our troops. Yes, I want them to come home and the government continues efforts to bring the troops home. I don't believe that America should be apprehensive about foreign affairs in the future. If we feel our voice should be heard, then let it be heard.
