Monday, October 25, 2010

Class Blogs

Legalizing Pot...a California Dilemmia...or Dream
I have been reading this blog because it is an interesting issue that I have not thought much about. It is informative and also funny at times.

Reforming Immigration Laws
I also enjoy reading this blog because I have been hearing about immigration in the news lately, but I have not had the opportunity to really learn the full story. I think this is an interesting subject and I also like the blog because I think it paints a clear picture of the issue and how it is affecting our country.

Mosque in Manhattan?
I have been reading this blog because everyone has been talking about this issue in the news lately. And it is loosely related to my topic because I have been discussing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were somewhat caused by the 9/11 attacks. And 9/11 was also the reason for the negative feelings against Muslims.

1 comment:

  1. I also follow “Legalizing Pot… a California Dilemma... or Dream.” I think that this blog presents the reader with a substantial amount of background information. By doing this it allows the reader to engage in arguments concerning the legalization of pot in California. The author of this blog also does a good job with presenting both sides of his argument.
