Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Theory Post

                The problem with the war right now, is there are some who do not want to continue fighting and others who want to stay in Iraq. The only real solution would be to compromise and decide on a definite deadline to start bringing troops home. But, before that can happen people need to discuss the war from an objective view point, and people either have to agree that the wars are worth continuing and there could be progress. Or, on the other side people have to agree that the wars are not making any progress and instead of helping anything we are just using money and resources that could be spent on other things. However, it is going to be difficult to agree because each side has a strong opinion. The other problem is the underlying assumptions that each side has. Some people that want to continue the war are worried about terrorists and another attack on U.S. soil. While the people that do not want to continue the war are focused on the amount of money we are spending and the fact that it is difficult to judge the progress in Iraq and Afghanistan. Therefore, because there is no way to judge the progress, some people do not think that any progress is being made. Furthermore, we have to leave the two countries eventually but, before we can do that everyone has to decide on a timeline to steadily draw troops out. President Obama did have a deadline for withdrawing most of the troops by August 2010, but the deadline has not been followed. And, now he says troops will remain until the end of 2011.


  1. I like your theory. If we want a reasonable end to all of this, we need to stop being so one-sided and work together to find a solution.

  2. I agree, but it might not be as simple as just finding a deadline for the troops to be back home. There are so many variables that one has to take into account: strength of the countries government, strength of infrastructure, etc., etc. In order for your solution to work we need to take a serious look at all the variables and then decide on whether or not its a good idea to pull troops out. I want them out ASAP, but I also dont want to feel like we didnt get the job done as best we can

  3. I personally think that there will never be a resolution to this conflict. There is a good chance that if the troops leave Iraq and Afghanistan are going to fall back into the same situation it was in before. And the politicians are going to argue that to keep troops in those countries. However I do not agree that our troops should stay there forever, it is both a waste of resources and a waste of life. And I think that if troops do stay there, it should be on a volunteer basis.

  4. I don't think it will be easy to find a solution to this issue, because there are so many factors that have to be considered. But, I think that trying to put differences aside and trying to work together is the only way this issue will ever be resolved. And, I think that there is a possibility that countries might be in the same situation after we leave, but we can't stay in the Middle East indefinitely.
