Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why We Should End the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

We have been fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan for years now, and while we have made progress, we cannot completely wipe out all terrorist activity. Now, I am not saying that we should surrender, but rather realize when we have done all we can. We have been fighting in Afghanistan for nine years and we have been fighting in Iraq for seven, and the only accomplishment is capturing and executing Saddam Hussein. If you can count that as an accomplishment; there was a line of terrorists to take his place before the rope was even tied around his neck. I also believe that leaving the war would not be the cause of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil; if terrorists do try to attack us again it will be because they hate America, not because we stopped fighting. And, terrorist attacks on international U.S. embassies have occurred since we have been in the war, so pulling out of the wars would not cause the situations to get worse. Therefore, it would be much more beneficial to the country if we stopped fighting and took the money we would save and use it on national security and other projects. I think more money spent on security would be more beneficial when it comes to preventing another terrorist attack, then being at war. As said in an article by the New York Times “Iraq $5,000 per Second?”, money that was spent on Iraq, was not spent on improving our economy. And, I think that improving our nation and our economy should be everyone’s priority.


  1. I completely agree with your post. I think that we have spent too much time and money fighting what looks to be a lost cause. We could be spending that $5,000 a second on things like public school systems, tax cuts, health care reform, and a myriad of other issues. One cost I think you should mention is the cost of AMerican lives during these two wars. America has lost a lot of soldiers over the past nine years, a good portion of them from North Carolina basses like Fort Bragg and Camp Legune. We need to pull out of Iraq and Afghanistan as soon as posisble and focus on more important things like the wellfare of this nation!

  2. We have spent way too much time and resources on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I think that the money would be better spent trying to improve our country. And, you're right, human lives that have been lost are another cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
