Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I know that I have discussed how the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan; especially in Iraq, are using a large amount of money and how that money would be better spent on other things like education and other programs. However, I want to discuss some sources of bias in the news about the war. First of all, I do think that the war is a lost cause and that the money spent on the war could be better used on other things. On the other hand, I think that there may be a different side to this story or at least some things that can be considered. First of all, I read an article titled, “Little-known fact: Obama's failed stimulus program cost more than the Iraq war where the author, Mark Tapscott, discussed the stimulus program and how it ended up costing more than the war in Iraq. And, he thinks that Democrats are leading the focus on the Iraq war because they want to prove that it is not just the Democrats that spend excessively. Now, I am not debating Obama’s stimulus package, but I will say that the stimulus didn’t really work and there was more money spent in a few months than the money spent on years of war. So, the war is not the only thing that the government is spending too much money on, but if everyone looked at the federal budget we could all find something that we would consider to be unnecessary spending. But, the war in Iraq has been going on for years and if we were to leave then we would have more money to spend in the U.S.

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