Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Compared to previous wars

I read an article recently that I found interesting. It showed the amounts of money spent on previous wars that we have fought in and how the money spent is compared to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The article is called "Cost of War/The Big Picture". However, some people have commented saying that the charts are misleading. And, this is one a type of bias, showing graphs that are not drawn to scale or leaving out important data. But, the reason why I am discussing this article is because it does bring up some interesting points that I have read in other articles. For example, I have read other articles that say that (considering the price of inflation) the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are costing more than the Vietnam war. But, they still cost less than the amount that we spent on World War II. This means that as of now the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan combined are the second most expensive wars in history. Now, like I said some people have commented on the article saying that it is biased, partly because in War World II we were mostly building equipment for the war but we only fought in the last couple of years of the war. Furthermore, the article said that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are not affecting our economy as much as other wars. But it said that World War II affected our economy the most, but it was beneficial because it created jobs and helped end the Great Depression. Now, I think that this article brings up some interesting ideas that I would like to research more, about how the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan compare to other wars in the past. But, at the same time I am also pointing out that there is a lot of information on the internet and everyone has to be suspicious of the information they find to make sure it is credible and unbiased.

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