Friday, October 22, 2010

Political Cartoon


  1. I like this political cartoon you choose to represent how much money is spent on the war. The cartoon shows that the US Budget spends more than over half of its money to defense. I understand that protecting this country is very important, and it costs a lot of money. However, that does not mean education, healthcare, and welfare can just be pushed to the side. Education is one of the most important rights to a citizen, and right now many counties are laying off teachers and combining schools, causing the classroom to have thirty students or more to one teacher. This is unacceptable. The US Budget should not be focusing almost all the money to defense. Education, health, and welfare still need money too.

  2. I think the percent of money spent on the war in the cartoon is a little exaggerated. But, you have a point a large amount of money is spent on war and defense and it would be better for the country if more of the budget was focused on education or healthcare. And, there is more money spent on military than anything else. And according to one article "Iraq war spending vs. education spending" 27% of the budget is spent on the military.
